Sociologists, apologists, and the media have well articulated the abandoning of religion by many young adults. The church is aware of the attack on the faith of teenagers. It is becoming old news. We have become saturated with the statistics. We know the problem; it is time for a solution.
Is There Hope For Our Country?
Where are the Watchmen?
5 Keys to a Respectful and Persuasive Conversation
Consumerism is Killing the Church
How can we defend the Christian faith with gentleness and respect?
What in the World is a Worldview? [VIDEO]
The Sanctity of Life and The Media's Slander
No, You're right. We should Let the Atheists Run the Country
I was expecting backlash from my recent article “Why the Pulpit Must Be Political.” But I didn’t expect that the backlash would be so reasonable as to change my mind.
Why The Pulpit Must Be Political
Why You, Yes You, Need To Defend What Is True
Trump Is Not Your president. He’s The Mouthpiece For Your Pent Up Frustration.
Ashley Madison and an Alluring Gospel
As millions are feeling the real pain from their transgression, let us be quick to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to them rather than our condemnation. The liberating power of forgiveness will feel warm and comforting to those steeped in darkness. It will be alluring if we can get out of our own self-righouess way.