““I wish every believer would read this book. Relational Apologetics challenges, convicts, and equips us to lovingly reach out to people with the gospel and to live as the kind of humble and gracious apologists Jesus wants us to be. This will officially be one of the top books I recommend for those who really want to make a difference.”
I wrote Relational Apologetics to help you know how to defend the Christian faith and lead others to Christ. It will help you integrate apologetics into your daily life and show others the goodness of God. It is good to have answers but it is another thing to know how to talk to people. That is what this book seeks to help you with.
This book is about your life becoming a defense of the Christian faith. Every relationship you have is an opportunity for you to connect people to their creator by displaying your hope, both in word and deed. Apologetics, defending your faith, is not just about answering questions and “proving” that God exists. It is about showing that He is real by the way you live. It is about demonstrating the power of God through your holiness. And it is about drawing people to Jesus through your kindness.
In Relational Apologetics you will find more than answers. You will learn how to winsomely persuade people through respectful conversations to follow Christ and find the good life they are seeking. It isn't always easy to know how to navigate difficult subjects and have pleasant but important conversations. In this book, you will find a method, a strategy, a way to talk about really important things in a gracious and effective manner. If you desire to help others experience life as it was intended, Relational Apologetics is a tool to help you.
“This is more than an ‘answers’ book. Yes, Sherrard provides answers. But he also includes content related to the all-important quality of being the kind of person people will hear, conversational skills, and how to incorporate Christian apologetics into your home, your church, and your personal evangelism efforts.”